قررت محكمة جنايات القاهرة تجديد حبس الأستاذ "راغب فتحي محمود الماحي" 49 سنة المقيم بمركز إيتاي البارود - محافظة البحيرة والذي يعمل مدرس بالمعهد الديني بإيتاي البارود ٤٥ يوم على ذمة التحقيقات في قضية ملفقة والتى باشرت نيابة أمن الدولة العليا التحقيقات فيها .

وقد اعتقل الماحي الأحد 2017 /9 / 10 الساعة 9.30 صباحاً وتم التحقيق معه الثلاثاء 12/9/2017 بنيابة مركز دمنهور على ذمة القضية 5657 لسنة 2017 إداري دمنهور والتي قررت النيابة إخلاء سبيل بكفالة 5 الاف جنيه وتم دفعها وظل بقسم الشرطة حتى أخفته قوات الأمن الاربعاء 13/9/2017 .

حتى ظهر في أخر شهر سبتمبر ٢٠١٧ بنيابة أمن الدولة العليا بالقاهرة وتم التحقيق معه في محضر ملفق ويجدد حبسه من وقتها حتى اليوم الذي جدد له حبسه ٤٥ يوم .

Lake County dini enstitü öğretmeni Yüce Devlet Güvenlik soruşturmaları adına başlayan fabrikasyon durumda, soruşturma bekleyen 45 gün Biitay barut işleri olduğunu - Kahire Ceza Mahkemesi, Bay "Ragheb Fathi Mahmud Mahi" 49 yaşında ikamet Itai barut merkezinin hapis yenilemeye karar verdi.

Güvenlik güçleri sakladı dek Salı tutuklandı ve sorgulandı 9:30 Mahi Pazar 2017/09/10, savcılar polis departmanı tarafından ödendi kefalet 5000 pound serbest bırakılmasına karar 2017/12/09 Savcılık, idari 5657 2017 Damanhour bekleyen konuda Damanhour merkezi kalmıştır Çarşamba 13/9/2017.

Eylül 2017 Savcılığı, Kahire'deki Yüksek Devlet Güvenlik geçen ay öğlen kadar, o uydurma dakika içinde sorguya çekildi ve onun 45 günlük hapis yenilenen güne kadar zamanının onun hapsetme yeniler.

The Cairo Criminal Court has decided to renew the detention of Mr. Ragheb Fathi Mahmoud Al-Mahi, 49, who is a resident of the Itay al-Baroud Center in the governorate of Beheira, who is a teacher at the religious institute in Itay al-Baroud for 45 days pending investigations into a fabricated case.

Al-Mahi was arrested on Sunday, 2017/9/10 at 9:30 am. He was interrogated on Tuesday 12/9/2017 by the Damanhour Prosecution under the case of 5657 for the year 2017, administrative Damanhour, which the prosecution decided to release on bail of 5,000 pounds and was paid and remained in the police department until he was hidden by the security forces Wednesday 13/9/2017.

Until he appeared in the end of September 2017 in the Supreme State Security Prosecutor in Cairo and was investigated in a fabricated record and renew his detention from the time until the day he renewed his detention for 45 days.